Consultancy & Training for Industry
This is a complete Health and Safety System for your workplace, whether it is a single or multi site business. It covers everything that you need to work safely, from your Health and Safety Policy, to all the individual Work Instructions that you require to ensure that all your employees are working safely and understand the risks that they are subjected to, along with the safety measures in place to protect them from harm.
The process begins with a site health check to determine the start point and progresses logically from the Health and Safety Policy, which includes delegation of responsibilities to key personnel within your management framework, assessing of all risks, implementation of all required Work Instructions and a training programme to ensure competence of personnel with Health and Safety responsibilities.
Periodic Safety Inspections will also be carried out within all areas of the business to monitor compliance with the implemented procedures aiding in a smooth transition period. Mobile or lone workers will also be inspected.
It is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 sect 2(3) that if you employ 5 or more people then you must provide a written health and safety policy.
This contains your organisation and arrangements for putting the policy into place and communicating this to your workforce.
ADM will work for you to identify your legal obligations and assist you in complying with them.
Asbestos / Noise / Display Screen Equipment / Substances Hazardous to health / Electricity / Hand Arm Vibrations / Fire and explosion / Working at heights / Manual Handling / and many more...