Consultancy & Training for Industry
Contracting out work is a standard procedure for most companies, large and small. Upon employing a subcontractor you are accepting responsibility for their health and safety, it is therefore vital that you ensure that they are going to carry out safe working procedures whilst you are employing them.
It is best practise to vet your potential subcontractors before you require them so that you have a register of safe contractors ready for use immediately, this will invariably save you time and money. ADM can assist you in setting up a system to do this, or we can do it for you. Please contact us for further information.
ADM’s ethos is 'Safety never takes a day off'.
We believe that Health and Safety is paramount in the daily running of any business and we aim to ensure that we help to provide a safer working environment by bringing Health and Safety to the forefront of every individual's mind ensuring that they work as safely as possible on a daily basis.